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Tsukimichi - Moonlit Fantasy

Season 2 Episode 17 Release Date

Countdown to 29th April 2024 at 12:00AM (Asia/Tokyo Time)

Tsukimichi - Moonlit Fantasy

What is Tsukimichi - Moonlit Fantasy?

Tsukimichi - Moonlit Fantasy is an upcoming comedy, adventure, anime and fantasy TV show.

Where can I watch Tsukimichi - Moonlit Fantasy?

You can watch it on Tokyo MX

What is Tsukimichi - Moonlit Fantasy about?

Makoto Misumi is just an ordinary high school student living a regular life, but all of a sudden gets summoned to the other world to become a "hero." The goddess of the other world, however, insults him for being different and strips his "hero" title, before casting him off to the wilderness at the edge of the world. As he wanders the wilderness, Makoto encounters dragons, spiders, orcs, dwarves, and all sorts of non-human tribes. Because Makoto comes from a different world, he is able to unleash unimaginable magical powers and combat skills. But just how will he handle his encounters with various species and survive in his new environment. In this fantasy, Makoto tries to transform the other world into a better place despite the humans and gods having turned their backs on him.

Tsukimichi - Moonlit Fantasy Season 2 Episode 17 Release Date can be watched/streamed on Tokyo MX

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Added: 4 months ago

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