Coronation Street
Season 66 Episode 21 Release Date
The Masked Singer is an upcoming music TV show.
You can watch it on ITV1
Part guessing game and part singing show, The Masked Singer sees 12 famous faces compete to pull off the best performance, with their identity elaborately and imaginatively concealed, thanks to an expert team of talented costume designers. The stars will be transformed and they will take on a masked identity and become a fantastic character which will disguise them for the whole series.
Forget any thoughts of fancy dress – they'll be full-on, original, movie-standard creations taking inspiration from worlds as varied as manga, superheroes, and wild animals and mythical creatures. Their transformations will be total, even their speaking voices will be disguised in interviews.
It will be up to a superstar panel to lead the viewers at home in their quest to discover who they are. Although the stars aren't judged on their voices, they'll still need to give their best performance – the audience's least favourite will be eliminated, before the panel try to guess their identity and unmask them.
The Masked Singer Season 6 Episode 8 Release Date can be watched/streamed on ITV1
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